All collectibles in Star Wars Jedi Survivor (Freight Handling Depot

There are a total of 29 collectibles to find in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Cal's adventure on Coruscant, the capital of the Empire, begins with a mission for Saw Guerrera but quickly turns into a bitter tragedy. This leaves Cal with no choice but to escape Coruscant and flee to Koboh. While you won't be able to return to Coruscant for most of the game, you will eventually have the opportunity to go back and collect any missing items, ensuring a 100% completion rating.

Three of the 29 collectibles can be found in the Coruscant Freight Handling Depot, which is one of the game's major points of interest. Collecting all three items from the depot brings you one step closer to achieving 100% completion in the game.

Here's how you can get the three collectibles in the Freight Handling Depot in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

The three Star Wars Jedi Survivor collectibles that can be found in the Freight Handling Depot of Coruscant are as follows:

  • Databank #1: Turbo Dogs
  • Chest #1: Coruscant Paint - Weapon Materials
  • Essence #1: Force Essence - Maximum Force Increase

1) Databank #1 - Turbo Dogs

You need to get to the Skylane Regulation Station Meditation Point in the Coruscant Skylane Regulation Station Databanks, which you will reach upon defeating the 9th Sister. Upon jumping down to the floor below, there will be a pile of red chests to your left that BD-1 will want to scan. This is where Turbo Dogs can be found.

2) Chest #1 (“Coruscant Paint” Weapon Materials)

After having scanned the Turbo at the Databanks, you need to grapple up to an overhanging rod and promptly turn back to wall-run across to the location where this chest can be found. A shelf with a chest can be found above the area with stormtroopers. That’s where Coruscant Paint can be obtained.

3) Upgrade Essence #1 (This requires Merrin’s Charm)

When traversing through the Freight Handling Depot Meditation Points, you need to get to the green laser door near the moving crates. Upon turning right after entering through the green door, you need to interact with the glowing crystal in front of you to find the Force Essence.

This sums up the list of collectibles that can be found in the Freight Handling Depot of Coruscant in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

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