Streamers are the celebrities of the internet age, and being a celebrity means inevitably getting tangled in controversies.
Pokimane has had her fair share of controversies during her decade-long streaming career. However, what's interesting is the number of controversies she has been associated with fellow content creator Keemstar.
Read on to find out what lies at the root of the frequent altercations between the two streamers, and where they stand now.
All the Keemstar-Pokimane controversies, explained
Keemstar's Twitter bio reads,
"Creator of #DramaAlert #1 source for News on Social Interactions in Online Entertainment!”The Drama Alert YT channel and the Twitter handle have 5.7 million and 2.7 million followers, respectively.
Many fans have pointed out that Keemstar has especially kept the format of his show provocative, which is the main reason he has amassed his current subscriber count.
The earliest direct exchange between the two was in 2018. However, in 2014, Keemstar started a series where he would rate the Halloween costumes of many famous YouTubers.
In the fourth edition of the series, he commented on Ssniperwolf's costume, saying:
"Sssniperwolf (is) dressed up as a girl who Photoshops her Instagram pictures."The YouTuber was dressed as Poki that year, and for the majority of the viewers, the statement came of as Keemstar alleging that Imane alters her photos. He tweeted the same along with a quip about the fans of both female streamers, invoking the “simp” troupe.
The tweet was deleted shortly after Pokimane replied to the same.
Since this first controversy, Keemstar has been accused of creating several other controversies by making public remarks about Poki.
The next time Keemstar came into the news in a controversy against Pokimane was when he published the above tweet. Fans saw this as a blatant insult and rushed to Poki's defense.
Keemstar has also come under fire for his comments on other Twitch streamers, most notably his standoff against Ludwig.
Pokimane fans have been calling for bans and strikes on Keemstar's social profiles for more than four years now. Whether this call is heeded is something that remains to be seen.
Poki has largely refrained from responding to most of Keemstar's comments in the recent past. The latter has also started receiving regular hate from the fanbases of the streamers he talks about in his videos.
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