Who are LeBron James' siblings? Exploring dynamic between King James and his half-brother Aaron McCl

Many NBA fans have wondered whether or not LeBron James has siblings. The LA Lakers superstar grew up without his dad, Anthony McClelland, and was raised by Gloria James.

While Gloria has no other children, LeBron does have a half-brother. His name is Aaron McClelland and was born in May 1987. At the moment, there aren't many details regarding LeBron James' siblings, so it's hard to tell whether he's in touch with his half-brother.

McClelland is currently 35 and stands at 5-foot-8. While he is not as physically imposing as the Lakers forward, he's still quite athletic and takes care of his body.

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LeBron James' siblings and everything we know about them

Gloria James is the only family member LeBron frequently talks about. She has gone through a lot of hardship raising James and turning him into one of the best basketball players of all time.

When it comes to LeBron's father, he was mostly absent from the life of the basketball superstar. Due to this, Gloria is a single mother, which has made her life difficult.

The truth about LeBron James' siblings is not a nice story (Image via Getty Images)

There may be several LeBron James siblings, but we only know about Aaron McClelland Gamble so far. He uses Twitter under the name ya_boi_ag and is also active on Instagram under the same handle.

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While there aren't many details available regarding the life of LeBron James' sibling, it appears that bodybuilding is one of his hobbies. Aaron has spent a lot of time in the gym and has worked hard to stay in shape.

LeBron doesn't seem to be in touch with his half-brother (Image via Getty Images)

Like LeBron, Aaron McClelland was also born in Akron, Ohio. This is not the only similarity between the two as there are rumors that Anthony McClelland left Aaron and his mother as well.

It doesn't appear that LeBron and Aaron have kept in touch. However, this may change in the future.

Who is LeBron James' father and where is he now?

Anthony McClelland is LeBron James' father, although he has been absent from his life. McClelland reportedly has an extensive criminal history and even refused to pay child support to Gloria James.

The LA Lakers superstar hasn't talked much about his father, which is why there aren't many details available about him.

James became a superstar without his father (Image via Getty Images)

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Despite not having a father, LeBron has become one of the greatest players in basketball history. He recently became the NBA's all-time leading scorer, which is an impressive feat.

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