Xuitcasecity talk 'CXTY NIGHTS' and acoustic version of 'Goodbye'

Xuitcasecity, made up of Mike Gomes and Cam Young, are the diverse music duo with a unified sound which blends together elements of pop, hip hop and electro.

Following the success of their INDXGO EP, which was released last year, the duo released their sophomore offering CXTY NIGHTS back in November. The seven-track EP perfectly encompasses what Xuitcasecity are all about, taking the listener on an incredible journey. The EP includes tracks such as ‘Famous’, ‘Unlikely’, ‘Die Young’, and ‘Goodbye’, which has just been supported by an additional acoustic release.

We recently caught up with Xuitcasecity to discuss CXTY NIGHTS, the acoustic version of ‘Goodbye’, their goals for 2019 and much more.


You released your new EP CXTY NIGHTS in November. We absolutely love it! Can you tell us about the inspiration behind the EP and how you picked which songs made the final cut?

The only song that didn’t make the cut was because of a producer agreement. We pretty much tailored every song to fit this project. We had an idea in mind of how we wanted it to sound and went with it. 

There are some great lyrical moments in these new tracks – do you have any standout lyrics from the EP?

The lyrics in ‘Goodbye’ were very personal and tell a story that maybe you’ve been through and can relate to as well. 

Whilst each song will be special to you, is there one in particular which stands out as a favorite of yours? We’re loving ‘Goodbye’ and ‘Unlikely’.

We both think ‘Unlikely’ is a smash!

Why did you decide to release an acoustic version of ‘Goodbye’? What was the process like creating that song?

We love taking a different approach on our records. Whether it be remixes, acoustic versions or covers. We love hearing our songs in as many ways as possible and see who and how can we push the boundaries. The process was dope but the song is very personal and quite dark even if it doesn’t sound that way. There were numerous versions of ‘Goodbye’ so we had to sit down and decide which one we thought was the best and did the song the most justice. 

You worked with The Mighty Riot on ‘Famous’ – what was it like working with them and what do you feel that they brought to the song?

Outside of being dope people, Mighty Riot are extremely talented producers. You don’t have to watch over their shoulder and make sure they’re choosing the right sounds of structure for the song. They have a great ear for music and just get it. They made the recording process easy and made the beat knock!

You released a music video for ‘Die Young’, which looks like it was fun to make. Can we expect any more music videos from you for some of the other EP tracks?

We just released the video for ‘Unlikely’ and we have the rest on the way! We will be releasing them throughout 2019.


What do you hope that people will take away from CXTY NIGHTS?

A feeling. We’re hoping each record takes you to a certain time or place in your mind and makes you feel that emotion. It’s not just about the sound, it’s about the feeling.  

How do you think your sound has evolved since the release of your debut EP INDXGO?

The quality has increased over the couple of years simply because we’re having actual studio sessions now. When we released INDXGO all of the beats were from YouTube and we weren’t able to tailor any of them to our exact liking. 

You recently teamed up with Mia Vaile to release ‘Your Terms’ featuring House of Wolves. How did the collaboration come about?

Mike is cool with Mia’s manager and he asked us to do the record about a year ago. She’s a dope singer so of course we said yes. 

You have a truly diverse sound – what kind of artists have influenced you musically?

Cam grew up on mostly Hip-Hop and Notorious B.I.G. is his favorite artist. Mike grew up on more Pop music and Justin Timberlake is his favorite artist.  

You’ve toured with some huge artists, from Zedd to Cheat Codes. What’s it been like to share the stage with such artists?

It’s quite surreal. It never really sinks in until after the show but our goal is to be at the level where up and coming artists feel that way about us. 

We hear that you’re working on a unique merch line for your fans…can you tell us a little about it?

That is classified! Just know that there will be something for everybody. 

You’re also keen philanthropists and support a number of charities. Can you tell us about some of the causes which are closest to your hearts?

Anything that has to do with keeping the Earth clean and saving the animals. So many creatures are dying simply from human waste. Mike’s aunt passed away from breast cancer so he also has a soft spot in his heart for breast cancer awareness. 

2018 has been a great year for you – what would you say has been your highlight?

We push to be better each and every year. This year has definitely been our best so far and next year will be even bigger. 

With 2019 fast approaching, what are your goals for next year?

Our goal is to complete our own headlining tour. We’d also love to be performing artists on festivals such as Coachella and Bonnaroo. 

Thank you to Xuitcasecity for their time. Make sure you keep up to date with them via TwitterFacebook and Instagram.

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